Benefits of the MouseKeyDo System
For patients:
- The MouseKeyDo System is a proven approach to treating RSI based on more than 2 decades of clinical practice and research.
- The MouseKeyDo System not only alleviates pain, but helps to prevent recurrences in the future.
- Most patients experience less pain and improved functioning in just three to six weeks.
- The self-guided CD-ROM, training manual or the MouseKeyDo/Udemy online version are designed for convenience. Use them on your own schedule, at home or at work.
- Work through the entire program, or select only the topics pertinent to your specific needs.
- The MouseKeyDo System is less expensive than other interventions and can be reimbursed by workers' compensation insurance when prescribed by a licensed physician. Workers' compensation or private insurance may also reimburse for hands-on MouseKeyDo training from a licensed therapist or other health care provider.
- The MouseKeyDo System is used by some of the nation's largest employers and health care systems.
For health and safety professionals:
- Create a center to offer MouseKeyDo training to current and new patients.
- Capture additional revenues with reimbursement for training through workers' compensation and private health insurance.
- Create a co-marketing program with MouseKeyDo.
- Build relationships with patients, employers, and workers' compensation administrators by offering early intervention and worksite training programs.
- Access training services and ongoing support from MouseKeyDo and Dr. Kahan.
For employers:
- Help employees with RSI feel better fast, return to work quickly, and avoid re-injuring themselves in the future.
- Offer a proven program based on more than 2 decades of clinical practice and research.
- Improve office productivity through targeted interventions.
- Lower health care costs.
- Lower workers' compensation expenses and premiums.
- Train employees at their own pace, at the time most convenient for them and the company.
- Implement consistent training enterprise-wide.
- Offer training at remote sites where health and safety personnel aren't readily available.
- Offer on-site workshops to all employees to warn them of the dangers of RSI and give them a way to prevent it.
- Offer a convenient, easy-to-use reference tool for all employees concerned about RSI.
- Make a long-term investment in workplace health and safety with a single purchase.
For workers' compensation administrators:
- The MouseKeyDo System is a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plan for RSI.
- The self-guided program allows users to learn the System at the most convenient time and place, even at remote sites where health and safety staff aren't readily available.
- Users work on their own, reducing the indirect costs of travel to and from the clinician's office.
- Every user follows the same protocol, enabling clinicians to ensure consistent, efficient standardized training.
- The System is less costly than other interventions. It requires only a one-time investment and can be used by the injured employee for recurrences at no additional cost.
- The System actually helps users avoid injury, thus limiting claims.
- A network of MouseKeyDo providers offers the option of supervised training when needed.
Order the MouseKeyDo system (via PayPal or MouseKeyDo/Udemy) or find a MouseKeyDo provider near you.